Archive for Category: HDPE


تتميز أنابيب HDPE بميزات فريدة تجعلها خيارًا ممتازًا لتطبيقات محددة مثل نقل السوائل والغاز لمسافات طويلة. HDPE تتميزب البوليثين عالية الكثافة مع ترابط جزيئي قوي. وعلى هذا النحو، فإنه غير نفوذ، مع الحفاظ على المستوى الصحيح من المرونة.

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HDPE pipes have unique features that make it an excellent choice for specific applications such as the long-distance transfer of fluid and gas. HDPE stands for high-density polythene with a robust molecular bonding. As such, it is highly impermeable, yet maintaining the right level of malleability.

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Our HDPE Manholes are created with solid-wall HDPE and profile wall PE 3408 HDPE pipe. That is why our manholes are lightweight, leak-free, and highly resistant to chemical action. It is highly recommended for all applications that require a manhole, such as water and sewage pipelines.

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Our GDPE tanks are an excellent solution for storing a wide range of liquid substances due to its non-reactive nature. It has been used for storing chemical substances, drinking water, sewage water, and lots more.

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Pumping stations are an essential part of the modern sewage management system. Besides the managing of sewer and storm waters, it also has various applications in the industrial sector.

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The presence of mud, sand, and silt particles can be a hindrance in systems that conveys liquids such as water systems or crude oil. Besides contaminating the products, the presence of these impediments can degrade the efficiency of such systems or cause breakdown that leads to a costly repair.

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